Welcome to Texas Tech Online Travel!



Chrome River Travel System Implementation - Key Deadlines


Beginning September 1, 2023 Chrome River Travel is live and available for use by all TTUHSC Travelers.

Use of Travel 2.0 (this system) should be limited to the following:

  • All FY23 funded business travel with a trip end date of 8/31/2023 or earlier should continue to be processed in Travel 2.0.
  • All FY24 advance reimbursement and/or BTA approvals issued on a Travel 2.0 Application must be completed in the same system. Chrome River cannot be used for these cases.
  • All other FY24 travel, including any HSC funded business travel with a trip end date of 9/1/2023 or later, should be processed in the Chrome River System.

For transition inquiries, email ChromeRiverHSC@ttuhsc.edu.  

- TTUHSC El Paso -

Beginning September 1st, 2023, all TTUHSC El Paso Travel applications must be submitted in the new Chrome River Travel System. Chrome River Login 

Beginning immediately, All travel applications  with a return/end date after 8/31/2023 should be submitted through the new Chrome River travel system.

Any travel created in the current Travel System should be completed in the same Travel System.

Please contact your Travel Office at travelelp@@ttuhsc.eduif you have any questions about these deadlines or any other questions about the transition to the new Chrome River travel system. 

- TTU and TTU System -

Beginning July 1st, 2023, all TTU/TTUS Travel applications must be submitted in the new Chrome River Travel System. Chrome River Login 

Beginning immediately, All travel applications  with a return/end date after 8/31/2023 should be submitted through the new Chrome River travel system.

Please contact your Travel Office if you have any questions about these deadlines or any other questions about the transition to the new Chrome River travel system. 

Please send an email to travelservices@ttu.edu to receive an invitation to the available training classes.


If you are having trouble viewing reports (Travel Application, Voucher Worksheet, Voucher Coversheet), please download and install the latest version of Adobe Reader before contacting the Travel Office.
(click to get Adobe Reader)

Current Travel Office Volume
The table below indicates how many vouchers have been received by the Travel Office and are currently being processed.  This is meant to give you an idea of how long it might take for your voucher to get approved.  On average, TTU completes vouchers per day, and HSC completes per day.  These numbers, however, vary significantly on a day to day basis by 50% or more.

Error getting number of vouchers received.