TechBuy TTUHSC Direct Pay Forms
Direct Pay expenditures are those for which the department is initiating payment for products and/or services that have already been received, have occurred, or customarily require advanced payment, and are specifically identified in the list below. The expenditures do not fall under other statutory purchasing requires as determined by Purchasing. Original invoices and/or receipts are required to be attached to all payment requests processed in TechBuy using a TTUHSC Direct Pay form. Please follow instructions on each direct pay form to prevent delay.
- Accreditation, certification, and examination fees
- Advertising
- Awards, Prizes and Gifts
- Correctional Card Contracts
- Donations to charitable organizations
- Employee Reimbursement (within 60 days)
- Food and entertainment
- Legal expenditures
- Lodging - Direct bill
- MPIP refunds
- Magazine/journal subscriptions
- Membership dues
- Postage
- Professional license fee
- Registrations
- Sponsorships
- Utilities
- Water/services & coffee/soft drinks