How to Make a Payment - Authorized Users

Click below for a detailed explanation of the payment process for each payment method listed.

Credit Card (Fee)
Debit Card (No-Fee)
Electronic Check (No-Fee)
International Wire Payments

MAKE A PAYMENT NOW - Authorized User

If you have not been set up as an Authorized User - please have your student sign into their Webraider account.
Go to MyTech / Manage My Finances / Student Business Services / Make a Payment/View eBill
My Profile Setup / Authorized Users

Multi-Factor Authentication for eBill Users

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security requiring you to confirm your identity using two or more methods before granting access to users. Beginning November 4, 2024 users will be required to create an MFA security profile and enter a code to access their account during login.

Step One: Creating a Multi-Factor Authentication profile to receive codes to login

Once this feature is enabled on November 4th, the user will be required to create their MFA profile at the next login. Once username and password are entered, the user will be directed to a page to select from the following options:

          A. Authenticator Application- Google Authenticator. This app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

          B. Text Message - A mobile phone number will be entered to receive passcodes to login.

          C. Email address - An email address will be entered to receive passcodes to login.

Step Two: Enter the passcode and select Verify

Step Three: When the passcode is verified, select Continue to access the account