Purchasing Card Checklist
Prohibited Purchases
- Awards and Prizes (see OP 72.03)
- Chemicals and Other Potentially Hazardous Materials
- Consulting, Medical Services, Personal or Professional Services
- Controlled Assets
- Donations, Contributions and Sponsorships
- E Bay Purchases
- Individual Amazon Prime Accounts
- Lease or Rental of Space
- Medical Licenses for States Other Than the State of Texas
- Notary Applications
- Payments to Patient/Study Participants
- Supplies (require use of Institutional Supply Contract)
- Temporary Personnel
- Travel Related Purchases
- Uniforms (includes lab coats)
- Blocked Vendors
- In-State Sales Tax, including Tax on Carry-Out or Delivered Meals
Additional Guidance
- Prohibited Purchases on State and Federal Funds: Alcohol, Flowers, Food and Entertainment, Membership Dues, Promotional Items
- Purchases for Food and Entertainment Must be Documented Using Food and Entertainment Substantiation Form and Pre-Approval Form
- Alcoholic Beverages May Only be Served on Campus at Appropriate Events with Prior Written Approval of President or Designee
- PayPal Services
- All IT Purchases including Software and Software Licenses must be approved by IT. Requests for approval can be made through Purchasing@ttuhsc.edu and evidence of approval must be submitted with the expense documentation
- Ship To Location Other Than TTUHSC Address Requires Approval from Purchasing
- Organization Must be on the Professional Membership List for Payment of Membership Dues
- Gifts for Length of Service Including Retirement (< $400) and Non-Cash Gifts for Donors or Participants of Official Functions - must include OP 72.03 Attachment B
Permitted Purchases
- Permitted Purchases of $5,000 or Less Should be Made Using PCard Subject to Vendor Accepting Credit Cards
- Malpractice Insurance
- Flowers for Official TTUHSC Functions or for Employees and Immediate Family Members in Cases of Illness or Death
- Food and Entertainment
- Books (if not available through an institutional contract in TechBuy)
- Equipment (if not available through an institutional contract in TechBuy)
- Advertising in Out-of-State Newspapers and Online for Staff Recruitment
- Accreditation, Certification and Examination Fees
- Magazine/Journal Subscriptions
- Membership Dues
- Professional License Fees
- Registration Fees
Payment Services
3601 4th Street STOP 6283 | Lubbock, Texas 79430-6283 -
Detailed Contacts:
Accounts Payable | Direct Pay | PCard | Swift Card | Travel