Purchasing Card

January 21, 2025

January 2025 Expense Reports

  • 12/30/24 - 01/03/25 = JAN25 WEEK 1: Due 01/17/2025
  • 01/06 - 01/10/2025 = JAN25 WEEK 2: Due 01/24/2025
  • 01/13 - 01/17/2025 = JAN25 WEEK 3: Due 01/31/2025
  • 01/20 - 01/24/2025 = JAN25 WEEK 4: Due 02/07/2025
  • 01/27 - 01/31/2025 = JAN25 WEEK 5: Due 02/14/2025

Important Reminders

  • Common PCard Policy Violations - Below are a few of the most common issues found on PCard expense reports. Please be aware findings are notated on the cardholder's account. Excessive findings can cause the account to be placed on a probationary period, which can lead up to the closure of the account.
    • Vendor Hold Search - Before using the PCard for purchases greater than $500, the cardholder must verify if the vendor is indebted to the State of Texas: State Vendor Hold Search
      Per State of Texas Comptroller, the vendor hold search should be done the day the transaction takes place, and not more than 7 days prior to making the purchase. A screenshot must be submitted with the search results.
      • If the vendor shows to be on hold, do not proceed with the purchase. TTUHSC is unable to do business with the vendor until the hold is released by the State.
    • Sales Tax - State of Texas sales tax charged by a vendor must be corrected immediately by the cardholder by obtaining a credit from the vendor or personally reimbursing TTUHSC. You can find the Sales Tax Exemption form here.
      • If the vendor cannot refund taxes, please send a check or money order made payable to TTUHSC and send to Payment Services, MS 6283 along with cardholder and transaction information.
    • Gifts - Gifts are prohibited on the PCard, with the exception of Retirement and Donor Gifts. Other gifts and parties as described below per HSC OP 72.16, will require reimbursement:
      • Departmental parties and gifts for special events such as Administrative Assistant's Day and Nurse's Appreciation Day, etc. are not allowed and cannot be charged against institutional funds.
      • Costs associated with birthday and other individual parties are considered personal expenses and cannot be charged against institutional funds.
    • Deviations - If you aren't sure what items require a deviation, please review the PCard Checklist and/or contact PCard@ttuhsc.edu or Purchasing@ttuhsc.edu prior to making a purchase you are unsure of.
      • Email deviation requests to Purchasing@ttuhsc.edu. Requests should include the vendor name, a weblink to the item(s), total amount of purchase, type of funds to be used, and a business purpose.
      • IT related purchases - All IT related purchases require an approval from both IT and Purchasing. This includes all new and existing software and renewals. Please email Purchasing@ttuhsc.edu to ensure your request is routed appropriately. Do not email IT directly; their approval is only for the specific IT items. Once IT approves, Purchasing will then review to ensure PCard is the most appropriate payment method.

Helpful Links

PCard Purchasing Guidelines

PCard Website: https://www.fiscal.ttuhsc.edu/paymentservices/pcard/

Chrome River SSO Link: http://chromeriver.texastech.edu/

For account questions, email PCard@ttuhsc.edu

For system questions, email ChromeRiverHSC@ttuhsc.edu



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